Sunday, March 31, 2013

Salt Dough Figurines

I finally painted my salt dough creations that I made a few months ago. I haven't glazed any of them just yet, I'm not sure if I want to because I kinda like the look of them but I might change my mind...Enjoy!

Two cuties. ..The one in the red has mouse ears, The pink one has teddy bear ears.

My Favorite!! Two seal lions, Im really happy with how these turned out I put a lot of texture on both of these

This one is laying on a log on the beach with a few pebbles. The sand is really textured (can't really see it in the photo) I textured the log as well.

This one is laying in like a little pool, I put some shells and a fish along with it as well.

New Clay ~ Paint Brushes

I  bought a few new things a while back!!

 I'm really excited that I got this new package of clay, can't wait to make new creations with all the new colors.

I got this variety set of paint brushes to use for glazing and for any other crafts I do that involves painting. I already used one of the brush for glazing and I think it has made a big difference in how the glaze  looks when it drys.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sculpey Gloss Glaze ~

I am so super excited that I finally got a glaze that I can use on my charms. I bought the sculpey gloss glaze, its such a small container for such a big price it was like $5 which may not seem a lot to some people, but its really small. I do like how glossy it is, although on some of my charms I did notice that there are some bubbles, I don't blame the glaze I think it is the paint brush I'm using. I got a pack of brush with like 20 for a dollar the kind that come in a pack of multi colors  and the bristles are this plastic material. I think I'm going to purchase at least one quality brush and see if that makes a difference when I glazed my charms.   

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mini Mini Haul.

I went to JoAnn Fabrics on my lunch break the other day, I was looking for some gloss glaze  because none of  my polymer clay charms or figures are glazed. I walked in saying  I was only going to spend $5 on glaze and that would be it...well I ended up spending $10 but the glaze its self was $5 . I bought two little things of acrylic paint, the Sculpey gloss glaze, two new things of clay (green and red). 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sister Creations # 3


Here are some more clay creations from my sister, I think the picture on the right she used the sculpey fluffy.. I think that all of these turned out really cool.....

Monday, March 11, 2013

Charm Update #3

These are my most recent charms that I have made. I feel a little limited with clay I have on and , because I don't have many colors so I have to be creative....

Teddy Bear & Bunny Charms

 I made a little girl charm, you cant see in this photo but I did some really cool detailing on her dress. Then I made a strawberry a donuts with grape icing, a blue berry, a blue bowl with little kiwi fruits in it ( Those kiwis took me forever, it was my first attempt at making a polymer cane). There is a blue cat, A boy with monkey ears and tail, and a black tiki/skull charm which I think turned out amazing!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Sisters' Clay Creations!!

Check out these awesome clay creations my sister made. They are the two main characters from the show Supernatural... These are soooo cool Iove them. She did an amazing job!! YAY!!

Polymer Clay Creations~ Update #2

These are my second attempt at making polymer clay charms and figures. I like these because I got a book on different techniques for working with clay and I think these turned out great.

Group Photo!!!!!

For my Chibi Girls I tried out a different technique for the eyes. Instead of just painting on the eyes and the highlights I used color polymer clay that matched the color of the hair, I think this gave them a really cool effect!!

I made these two cookies that have filling in them, there is one that shaped like a teddy bear head, and the other is my first attempt at making a macaroon I dusted it with pink chalk pastel.
and then there is a bowl of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles.

In this photo you can see I made this long ear dog , there is a green cat in the background, a bird. I also made a a frog with its tongue sticking out. and another chibi girl in a pink shirt and jean skirt.

I am hoping to get some more clay in different colors so I can  make a lot more creations. I may try my hand at making polymer clay jewelry....